A Library and Reading Room for Listening
Bureau for Listening is interested in the intimate exchange between listening and reading. We are therefore searching for different possible manifestations of a Library and Reading Room for Listening.
In what way does the objective/intention of listening influence the design of such a room? What books and materials are relevant to present and include as part of such a library? Would there be someone to read out loud, allowing others to listen? Would there be silence… What is to be ‘collected’ for the library?
What is significant and radical for a Library and Reading Room for Listening? Does it offer a form of care? Is a site for radical wonder and contemplation?

Books on and for listening

Shelf with books on and for listening. (Laboratory for Listening, SPOR Festival, 2023)
The Library and Reading Room for Listening will be a nomadic space and resource center. We are looking forward to share up-coming locations and lists with resources. We will among others gather physical books, zines, sound-works etc. which we can bring and share with others, and a digital archive for ‘listening materials’.
We also hope to be able to share links and other projects that keeps a similary practice of collecting for a listening library and host a reading room for listening…
If you have any recommendations for projects, books, sites, works etc. which you think would be interesting to share within the Library and Reading Room for Listening, please let us know and we will include it. It doesn’t not have to be directly ‘about’ listening – it can be invitational, inspirational, personal, regarding premises or consequences allowing listening, hopes for future listening and experiences with past listening etc.
Other online platforms, projects, institutions and/or resources on, for and with the subject of listening: