




Environments is a series of artistic and critical gatherings, works, formats, and more, initiated by Bureau for Listening and artist/composer Barbora Kováčová. The project was started when encountering the artists’ book environments, edited by Nuno da Luz and published by ATLAS Projectos, which engaged with the famous series of soundscapes: Environments 1-11, by Irv Teibel, published between 1969-1979. 

While the series does have a starting point in the soundscapes of Irv Teibel, we do not simply wish to re-activate/-interpret the sound-pieces/recordings artistically; rather we seek to engage and experiment with both the concept of a ‘soundscape’, and how we encounter/gather around the experience of listening itself; how listening is a practice of engaging critically and artistically with the bodily and the collective experience of being within a soundscape and conditioned into an environment that is always in movement.

The Environment Series function as an umbrella for multiple projects, phases, notes, gatherings etc. these will accordingly, when we know more about what, where and when, be documented here:

Environment #1: Explorative Listening: Ultimate Seashore 

Saturday the 13th / 16.00-18.30 / RMC

Environment #2:

(More info coming soon)

Our work with the environments where started and inspired by the artists’ book of the same name. Edited by Nuno da Luz and published by ATLAS Projectos.

Frontpage of environments by Nuno da Luz.
Guests awaiting in the 'gathering room', attuning their listening, while others are experience the 25 minute 6-channel piece: Ultimate Seashore #1, during phase I the 13th of April 2024 at RMC, Copenhagen.