If a tree is surrounded by an asphalt parking lot does it make a sound?
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does it still make a sound?
The answer may depend on:
– what kind of tree?
– what is meant by some ‘one’? Are animals, other trees, ghosts etc. included? What about deaf beings?
– is sound thought of as vibrations solely, or do we think about it as a relational phenomenon, where ‘vibration-receiving-material is needed (yes, a forrest would work), but is it then the tree or forrest that makes the sound?
To ask differently, we may listen to artist David Horvitz:
If a tree is surrounded by an asphalt parking lot does it make a sound?
And additionally:
In what way may we still listen
to the falling trees,
even when we are absent,
and how may we listen
to the trees locked in their asphalt prisons
– what stories do they have to tell,
or simple cries for help to cry?
[Photos are sourced from google.]