Materials and notes for the community
This is a selection of materials and notes connected to working with ‘Community for Listening’.
The selection contains randomness as well as highly calculated settings. This bank of elements with connection to the project attempts to create seeds and spaces for a multiple of new possibilities for the project. All this is just seeds – members of the community.

Which path to take to follow/walk with listening?
Can we know?
Do listening have a path?
What path would listening discover together with us?
How to stop having an ideal concept of a path?

Kind of random recording of water – almost like noise
How is listening connected to heat? In what form is listening possible in 41 degrees (celsius) heat while crossing the open grass field in front of the Orangerie at Staatpark Karlsaue?
Is listening differently in open spaces compared to more inclosed ones?
With the heat comes the sweat, faster heartbeats, dizziness, more daydreams (for me), a feeling of and search for shelter – all this informs and co-reshape the premises for listening.
Soundscape recording I (lumbung cinema (unknown short film)
Soundscape recording IV (recording inside church)
Soundscape recording V (community kitchen I)
Soundscape recording VI (community kitchen II)
Soundscape recording X (while walking)

The music and the wisdom of tree leaves dancing with the wind – something our bodies also will be attentive towards. A music to which our bodies always responds. A wisdom we always must be wondering upon.
We must welcome this music and wisdom into our community – into our lives – we must honor our bodies as translater for this old member.

We have deleted the recording of the music and the wisdom of tree leaves dancing with the wind – it felt like something to be listened to from the tree leaves themselves.
Soundscape recording XI (walking in a park)
In what way is the experience and practice of silence a research approach to listening?
What is the relation between growing a practice and community for listening connected to the ability and practice of silence?
What levels of silence exists – what is the ‘highest/largest’ amount of silence a human kan generate/offer? What is silence of the body, of the mind, of the being in a space?
In what way does an indirect presence in silence inform public spaces?
How to document/communicate the experience of silence – can writing take place while being silence? Can eye-contact and smiles?
Wednesday the 20th of July, 2022, will go by for the, at documenta 15, Kassel, present members of Bureau for Listening, in silence.
Karaoke as practice for Community for Listening I
(Field recording from communal dinner at Fridericianum with ruangrupa and FRIDSKUL, and friends)
Karaoke as practice for Community for Listening II
(Field recording from communal dinner at Fridericianum with ruangrupa and FRIDSKUL, and friends)
Karaoke as practice for Community for Listening III
(Field recording from communal dinner at Fridericianum with ruangrupa and FRIDSKUL, and friends)
Some reading, some conversing, maybe some is listening.

Two, among many other, elements that in the beginning were missing and later taken for granted, but non the less constitute being in Kassel and working.

How to translate the/a practice of listening from one context to another?
To what degrees do a practice of listening need to be translated? Is listening a kind of universal practice?
In what way is listening a language or communal agreed/defined structure for communication?
Who carries the responsibility of listening?