Reading Group for Listening

Reading Group for Listening

Bureau for Listening are happy to co-organize, take part in and distribute different forms of reading groups for listening. For us, reading, and especially reading together, offer an intimate and in-depth possibility to study and cultivate listening. Please reach out if you wish to join a reading group or have ideas for one –



Dear Friend in Listening,

The Laboratory for Sound at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts’ Schools of visual arts and the Bureau for Listening are delighted to invite you to join a reading group on listening. 

Through 5 sessions we will read and discuss key texts related to the subject and practice of listening. In each 2-hour session, we will explore and discuss a text, shared with participants in advance. It will be an opportunity to critically evaluate different aspects and accounts of the notion of listening.

The reading group is organized in advance of the 2025 Listening Biennial taking place from August to October. The sessions offer an opportunity to collectively deepen our understanding of listening, fostering nuanced perspectives and shared insights.

Sign up by contacting Rune Søchting, email:

We look forward to engaging with a variety of texts and exploring the art of listening together, expanding our thinking and cultivating a richer understanding of this vital practice.

Sessions will be conducted in English/Danish. While we encourage you to attend as many sessions as you can, there is no obligation to participate in every meeting by signing up.

Warm regards,
Lukas (Bureau for Listening) & Rune (Laboratory for Sound)

When: the Tuesday of every last week of the month:

  • 25th of February
  • 25th of Marts
  • 22nd of April
  • 27th of May
  • 24th of June


Time: 15.30-17.30


Where: Laboratory for Sound, ​The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts,  Kongens Nytorv 1, Door E, 2nd Floor,


We will read and discuss (extracts of) the following texts (please reach out to reach a digital version on the material):

  1. (February 25th): Jean-Luc Nancy (2007). Listening. Trans. Charlotte Mandell. New York: Fordham University Press.
  2. (March 25th): Lisbeth Lipari (2014). Listening, Thinking, Being: Toward an Ethics of Attunement. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  3. (April 22nd): Pauline Oliveros (2022) [2010]. Quantum Listening. Lima: Ignota Books.
  4. (May 27th): Brandon LaBelle (2025). Poetics of Listening. Bloomsbury Publishing
  5. (June 24th): Dylan Robinson (2020). Hungry Listening: Resonant Theory for Indigenous Sound Studies. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.


If interested, please follow the link to encounter an expanded reading list for listening: