The School for Public Life

The School for Public Life: A Study Group for Listening

From January 2025, Bureau for Listening will organize a monthly School for Public Life – a possible study group on/for/with/by listening. Its session will be held at different public spaces across Copenhagen and engage directly with the urban tissue as a site for exploration and intervention and as a chance to nurture practices of radical receptivity and attentiveness to the social, political, and ecological dimensions of listening.

Each convening seek to offer diverse perspectives on listening as a critical and creative act. These sessions will explore listening as a means of fostering dialogue, revealing hidden narratives, and transforming shared spaces within civic practices. Different invited artists and theorists, and collaborations with institutions will support this attempt by sharing their unique perspectives within the sessions.

The School for Public Life will work toward an ecology of attention, using listening to cultivate resonant and relational practices that imagine new possibilities for public life. Join us in this journey as we transform the city into a field of inquiry and listening into a tool for collective transformation.

This is initiated in the anticipation of a manifestation of the Listening Biennial in Copenhagen during September and October 2025.

Everyone is welcome, all sessions will be held outside. No registration is necessary, but due to limited space and better planning we ask you, if possible, to send us a mail and check-in – please write to We update ongoingly where and when here on the website and through other channels.


Session 1:

January, Thursday the 30th, 16.30-18.00

We meet at the future to be ‘Palestine Square’, at the conjunction between Nørrebrogade, Esromgade and Hillerødgade – across from Den Røde Plads (Red Square) (see photo to the right).

Possible content:

  •  Upstart: Walking and Listening; Lecture Demonstrations for a new Public
  • ‘What is a ‘School for Public Life’ – searching for other dreams, hopes, questions, wonderings and problems; a workshop for re-imaginations and -orientations.
    • Reading of The Big Welcome
    • Listening Walk – dreams for new publics – reappropriation of Max Neuhaus’ ‘Listen’ 
    • Sharing/discussion – creation of invitations for walking and listening in the public

Session 2:

February, Thursday the 27th, 16.30-18.00

Session 3:

Marts, Thursday the 27th, 16.30-18.00



The School for Public Life build on idea and book ‘The School of Public Life’ by Fred Dewey 2014, published by Errant Bodies Press, Berlin.


While the book builds on Dewey comprehensive activistic practice it is also situated in the context of The United States of America.


For this project we are leaning into the vision of such a school, lending an altered version of the title, but are otherwise on a different path – smaller in scale and perhaps more unsure and experimental in its nature.


We do however listen to the words of Dewey when he writes:

The School of Public Life starts from a premise that is deadly – that this is deadly, that it demands remedy, and that a new way of thinking and acting is possible, right there, and needed. 


For what is called “public” and “real” has perhaps never truly belonged to the people themselves. We have everything but a realm for us – what plural and free people convening, face-to-face, would be able, in every place, wherever and whenever we chose, to find out, discuss, engage, witness, answer, and govern, certain we are protected by every power in doing so. By contrast, a truly public realm, were to exist, would be the realm where we could find actuality and govern from it, face-to-face, from all our differences, with every fact, action, made thing, and experience necessary. The public is not a virtual space or space of ideas, nor is it a party, administrative, social, production, machine, or official space, whatever we are told. It is the full life of the people, lived by and for the people. It is where actuality and reality, in all their plurality, diversity, and factuality could be sensed and decided, on our terms, for our benefit. Public life is not the school of what society, officials, administrators, media, technology “knowledge” and “authority” say and do. It is we who make up this world and the living that concerns us – whoever, whatever, whenever, and wherever we are. It is our life that is the foundation of every country, place, thing, and condition. It is the plurality we are, have been, and remains strangers, neighbors, and friends to each other.




What is at stake, when one asks “what about the people,” are our capacities. For people remain the issue. Contrary to long-held assumptions, thinking-like judging, willing, imagining, and acting-depends on who one is, where, when, with whom, under what conditions, and where this goes. Human factuality governs each thing and activity’s meaning, truth, and durability. The school of public life would be the space to experience and finally sort this out- not through mere “discourse” or mere “communication,” but through sensing each other and the world as they are, having a space for the depths of that, and all it lends and establishes. Like other places or forms, it would be the place where could respond and answer a “structure,” if you will, that is at once hypothetical, descriptive, and actual. […] Only we, when we come face-to-face, to govern, can get at this and secure this, can answer what is so, has been so, and what, altogether, in due course and due process, we decide should remain so. It is a venture because it is existential. It embodies the risks and realities we face. Like “the school of hard knocks,” the school of public life is not a metaphor. It is what would help us grasp and answer what otherwise, without such secure space and time, would destroy, elude, or uno us, and so the world.


Fred Dewey, The School of Public Life, 2014, Errant Bodies Press, Berlin.

The Big Welcome

Adapted by Bureau for Listening for The School for Public Life

Desired to be read out loud at the beginning of each session.

Following the evolvement of the school we imagine future editions to accommodate the expand awareness of studying and being in and of public life.



This is a version adapted from Kate Morales’ version offered in Slow Spatial Reader – Chronicles of Radical Affect (Ed. Carolyn F. Strauss). 


As reference the following were written: 

“These words of welcome began as an offering out of the Mycelium School (2013-2016) in Ashville, NC, USA, and have evolved through many iterations as they have been applied to welcome many different groups of people in a variety of gatherings. This version was adapted for the Turtle Island Ecoversities Regional Gathering (January 21, 2021). All those receiving these words are free to credit, modify, and share as needed for their own gatherings, in the spirit of the gift economy.”

We are so honored to welcome you all here. 

Take a movement right now to allow yourself to fully arrive.

Allow the dust to settle in your mind. Bring your attention to your body, your breath, the present moment. You have arrived!


We welcome your excitement and your insecurity. Your clear inquiries and your big question marks. We Welcome your wide eyes and open hearts alongside your side eyes and cynicism/skepticism. We welcome your listening as well as your voicing body.

You are welcome here. 

Your culture is welcome. Your ethnic origin is welcome. 

Your race, your skin hue, accent, food preferences, and all of the complexities that make up your cultural identity are welcome here. The histories, herstories, and experiences of your ancestors are honored and welcomed.

We welcome you with all of the connections you bring in with you, the children in your lives, your partners, siblings, parents, the animals in your lives, and other loved ones in your communities.

You are welcome here.

We welcome your spiritual practice, your religious affiliation, the path you walk. However you hold that aspect of your life is welcomed.

Your love is welcome here. How you love, who you love, and your understanding of what love is are all welcome. 

We welcome you in all of the ways your sexuality has evolved and is evolving. 

We welcome you in all of the ways your gender has evolved and is evolving.

We welcome you in your ignorance. We welcome you in your privilege. We welcome you in your grief. We welcome you in your guilt and shame.

You are welcome here. 

We welcome the parts of yourself that you’re still figuring out. 

We welcome you in the roles as learners, activists, teachers, healers, feelers, intuitives, parents, caretakers, students, artists, witches, change agents, magicians, educators, and warriors. 

We welcome you at whatever level of mental and physical wellness you are currently functioning. We welcome your introversion and your extroversion. We welcome all of the experiences that led you to this moment. Thank you for surviving. 

We welcome your wounds and scars.

We welcome you at whatever level at which you are currently decolonizing. We welcome you wherever you are in divesting from systemic patriarchy, white supremacy, ableism, and all other intersecting forms of oppression. We welcome you as you unlearn internalized hate, fear, and cultural norms that are not serving the health of our interconnected communities.

You are welcome here.

We offer gratitude for you being and this place hosting us.

You are welcome here, and we give thanks. 

We thank you for being here, for offering your time, attention, and affections. We give thanks to what you bring in the way you bring it. We give thanks to both the said and the unsaid, and acknowledge the unsayable. We give thanks to the knowledge shared, and the caring of the unknowing.

Thank you.

Settle in. 
